Well today turned out to be a valuable lesson. Always ALWAYS keep a backup of the container file that ME3 saves your .xbsav files in as for whatever reason the one I had copied from my xbox hard drive to my usb flash drive ended up being corrupt, no matter how many times I rehashed and resigned. Fortunately I had a backup of an older and known good container file that wasn't corrupt on my windows install (as I dual boot Windows and Linux on my machine) and that worked PERFECTLY to import my modified save so that I could finally meet Kelly Chambers in Mass Effect 3. If you didn't have dinner with Kelly Chambers in Mass Effect 2 you just set boolean value 3817 to true with the Gibbed ME3 Single Player Save Editor
At that point you can then meet her in the holding dock's area on the citadel.
It's bad enough however that Bioware programmed the Mass Effect 1 2 and 3 games so poorly it seems that you occasionally have to deal with corrupt container files that hold your saves but to have to be forced to use Modio version 3 as shown below when the latest Modio is in v5.x? Tried using 5.x btw and that just corrupts the container file for ME3 so quickly, so thank god for Modio v3 below to be able to extra the container file that holds your xbox 360 ME3 saves lol!
I've even heard of people losing saves who don't modify xbox or ps3 or pc saves as it is due to corrupt container files with ME2 and ME3 so it's just sloppy programming in my honest opinion on behalf of Bioware.
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